
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Educational transformation for the 21st century – Education for sustainable development”

On May 24th, 2023, Sibiu Technical Technical College organized in partnership with Sibiu County School Inspectorate and the Continental Automotive Systems Sibiu Company, the annual conference of scientific communications with the theme: "Educational transformation for the 21st century - Education for sustainable development". Articles written by teachers from the country and from Germany were presented via video conference. The topics of the articles presented were from the fields of: equal opportunities, educational management, community relationships, educational partnerships, social and human sciences, integration on the labor market, examples of good practices with European projects. The conference was held in the Hanover hall of Continental Automotive Systems Sibiu. There was also a dissemination of the Erasmus+ EduTrans21 project (Educational Transformation for the 21st Century), a partnership between Energetic Technical College Sibiu, Berufliche…
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Grassroots to Growth

Creating Sustainable Communities for a Better Future Following the questionnaire answered by our students, we concluded, among other things that they feel that more collaborative, task-based projects are needed, as well as a better and more detailed approach of the 17 SDGs. As a result, we decided to start such a project with a group of 14 students coming from various classes, using the SCRUM method in order to manage and develop our project, which is still ongoing. Therefore, the main activity is the realization of projects with the students using the AGILE/SCRUM method. The projects have as their theme the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provided for in the 2030 Agenda of the UN. The main benefits for students will be: • Responsibility and adaptability; • Critical thinking and systemic…
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Dissemination activity – Edu Trans21

On January 27, 2023, during the international conference "Energy Crisis - Impetus for New Approaches in the Field of Training Specialists, Energy Production and Consumption", organized by the Center for Excellence in Energy and Electronics in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, took place a dissemination of EduTrans 21 project. At the conference Sorin Volosciuc and Popa Virginia from the Sibiu Energetic Technical College participated with two articles. There were presented the objectives of the EduTrans21 project, the partners involved in the project, as well as the new approaches to the school curriculum through AGILE projects. The interpretation of the questionnaires for students and companies regarding the status quo of the school, was also shown, as well as an analysis which will be the basis for a new strategic development plan. The…
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First activities

The three partners of EduTrans21 started in April 2022 discussing aims, procedures and products of the project. They installed project teams and agreed on specific team roles to ensure efficacy of the work. INFRA:RUN as specialist for open source software for education provided the platform for the project and supported schools during the set-up process. The first phase of EduTrans21 consists of several steps being the basis for an educational transformation for the 21st century. Analysing future skill needs Developing questionnaires based on future skill needs Setting up an online survey with the questionnaire Analysing the current status of the VET schools Exchange of results between the partner institutions Developing a SWOT analysis Discussing the results with the management to decide main points for school development Writing the strategic development…
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