EduTrans21 – Educational Transformation for the 21st Century
Project description
The project aims at building resilience through educational transformation in VET schools to meet the requirements of current challenges of digitization and climate change. Our objectives are:
- Objective 1: Development and implementation of a school evaluation for a strategic development plan
- Objective 2: Training agile coaches to support the educational transformation
- Objective 3: Integration of free and open source technologies
- Objective 4: Agile development of digital and inclusive learning arrangements in the field of sustainability.
Skills needed
Digcomp 2.1

•Information and data literacy
•Communication and collaboration
•Digital content creation
•Problem solving
21st Century Skills

•Critical thinking
•Information literacy
•Media literacy
•Technology literacy
•Social skills

•Sustainable thinking
•Into action
•Taking initiative
In general, it is a matter of specifying the requirements of the 21st century and naming the cornerstones for the development of an optimal education.
Many studies are available dealing with that issue. All of them came to a set of similar competences needed for future employability. The following list gives an overview.

Source: Future Work Skills 2020 – Institute for the Future for the University of Phoenix Research Institute – 124 University Avenue, 2nd Floor, Palo Alto, CA
Another study was quoted in a German journal with the following list.
#1 Learning ability
#2 Complex problem solving
#3 Flexibility & Resilience
#4 Critical thinking
#5 Compassion
#6 Self-management
#7 Creativity & Initiative
The results emphasize the importance of transversal skills beyond subject matter skills. In more details, the European frameworks digcomp, entrecomp and 21st century skills point out the skills needed in the future.
The educational system must react to the requirements. The challenge is to define the right changes and interventions for future VET.
Three areas cover critical success factors for future VET organization:
- technical or technological infrastructure
- methodological-didactical approaches for teaching and learning
- qualified personnel and school management
In the background we can consider the areas of Centres of Vocational excellence to define a development plan at the end regardless that we will focus on certain classes or learning fields.
The following graphic might give an inspiration:
Source: – network for CoVEs

General Objectives
- Definition of the strategic aims
- Identification of the core factors for the school development based on the mentioned frameworks and the existing development plans
- Carrying out a survey among stakeholder groups
- Development of a strategic plan for the school development
Fundamental Insights
A closer look at the skill needs brings about some core elements required for the intended competence development. In this respect it is mandatory to implement methodical approaches following the problem solving circle. One of the approaches subsequently pointed out are necessary:
- Model of complete action
- Action Learning
- Agile workshop formats (SCRUM / Design Thinking)
- Project based learning
- Flipped class room
Core Criteria for the Development Plan
- Comparison of the existing frameworks and the assessment document
Blended Learning Maturity Assessment - Developing core criteria for the online questionnaire
- Preparation of the tool
- Multi Stakeholder Survey