First activities

The three partners of EduTrans21 started in April 2022 discussing aims, procedures and products of the project. They installed project teams and agreed on specific team roles to ensure efficacy of the work.

INFRA:RUN as specialist for open source software for education provided the platform for the project and supported schools during the set-up process.

The first phase of EduTrans21 consists of several steps being the basis for an educational transformation for the 21st century.

  • Analysing future skill needs
  • Developing questionnaires based on future skill needs
  • Setting up an online survey with the questionnaire
  • Analysing the current status of the VET schools
  • Exchange of results between the partner institutions
  • Developing a SWOT analysis
  • Discussing the results with the management to decide main points for school development
  • Writing the strategic development plan

A closer look into the literature on the topic “future skills” brought about a huge number of publishing’s fortunately with a lot of overlap’s. We reviewed this literature in comparison to the existing frameworks (digComp, entrecomp, 21st century skills, green comp).

Even between these frameworks exist a lot of overlap’s. It was thus possible to condense the survey about the status quo of our institutions to a set of 27 questions. First target groups for the survey were the school management and a selected group of students / apprentices. That design gave the possibility to compare the answers and to discuss differences.

The questionnaire was put online and the survey was started. The first survey involved more than 150 participants. The VET school of Sibiu (CTE) made the proposal to analyse each single result and made comments on it. Furthermore, CTE planned to repeat the survey with a group of apprentices of CONTINENTAL who are already working therefore having a slightly different mind-set concerning education and training.

Additionally, CTE developed an adopted questionnaire to involve parents into the survey.

The first conference concerning survey results brought about main topics for further discussion. CTE found potentials for improvement of teamwork among students and the integration of sustainability and UN goals into curricula. ITECH identified first of all a lack of complete integration of UN goals into the curriculum despite some good experiences with agile workshop formats.

For dissemination purposes, CTE developed an excellent poster for the whole team. It was published at school as well digitally as in print form.

Both partners developed a SWOT analysis and a school development plan.

ITECH started to select a group of teachers for the training as agile coaches for school development. Next step will be to schedule a kick-off meeting with these teachers.

In parallel, the team is going to collect current and planned improvement projects at school.

INFRA:RUN, that has provided open source software, is going to write a report “Open Source in Education – Pros-Cons and requirements”Status on 5th of January 2023

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